Welcome to online learning in the time of COVID 19/Coronavirus

I have around 55 students on my caseload, spread through 4 districts in Washington County. Since I can't be seeing them right now, I wanted to at least get some information and resources out, specifically during this difficult time.
Some of the lessons and resources are available on other parts of the site, but I wanted to make sure there are enough here for students to get information they need and stay up on their IEP/504 work.
***This is a HUGE deal as some of us transition back to hybrid learning
and all of us are out into the world more often***
Click here for videos about how to wear masks with hearing aids
If you are a student (or parent of a student) of mine, and have questions, please contact me through my NWRESD email (or feel free to call). If you need my NWRESD contact info, ask your (or your child's) casemanager or shoot an email to mrsmartosteaches@gmail.com.
If you are not one of my students/families, and you have questions about COVID or school work during quarantine, please contact YOUR Teacher of the Deaf for questions and information. Feel free to use the resources here, however.

Lessons are separated by the year in which they were originally posted to this site.
Please click the school-year you are looking for.

COVID 19 Information
From National Association of the Deaf (with ASL)
How to talk with your Child about COVID 19 (from the CDC)
(ASL here)
Deaf Culture Resources
The Deaf Culture page on this website (click here)
ASL Lessons and Info (External)

This website offers lessons in ASL on various topics for every grade. Take a look at the Life-Skills and Science stuff...it's pretty cool.
National Deaf Education Center
Resources for Early Ehildhood/Elementary/Middle/High School students (and some college-level stuff) as well as resources for families.

Activities, videos, storybook apps
Reading and Stories
Operation ASL Storytime videos
These are stories and books like Are You My Mother? and The Cat in the Hat, all signed by native ASL users. You can find more by searching #operationASLstorytime online.
Operation storytime article with videos
This article discusses where to find these are children's stories read in English, and gives a few. You can find more by searching #operationstorytime online.
(The Youtube ones have decent captions, and the others you can read the book along)
Dolly Parton reads Bedtime Stories
Good stories and books for children, read by Dolly Parton
(Has good captions)